
Abridge meaning
Abridge meaning

abridge meaning

Sure, you still look for excuses for hanging around with the boys, but death is there too, stinking, right beside you, it’s there the whole time, less mysterious than a game of poker. But you no longer have the strength to renew your repertory. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. To rekindle your interest, you’d have to think up some new grimaces to put on in the presence of others. abridge verb T (make shorter) to make a book, play, or piece of writing shorter by removing details and information that is not important: The book was abridged for children. The synonyms and antonyms of Abridge are listed below. You’re fed up … From that time on you’re content to eat a little something, cadge a little warmth, and sleep as much as possible on the road to nowhere. Abridge is a verb (used with object), abridged, abridging by form. to reduce or lessen in duration, scope, or extent diminish. In a legal context, the term is generally used to explain taking away or restricting some existing. For example, to make an abridged copy of a book means to reduce the number of words in a book without affecting the quality or substance of the book.

abridge meaning

You even lose your desire to keep hold of the small place you’d reserved yourself among the pleasures of life. to shorten by omissions while retaining the basic contents: to abridge a book. to shorten (a piece of writing) while preserving its substance condense 3. In a generic sense the term abridge means to cut short. You don’t care about being right anymore. You give up … For thirty years you’ve been talking. You’re good and sick of hearing yourself talk. abridge verb T (make shorter) to make a book, play, or piece of writing shorter by removing details and information that is not important: The book was abridged for children. "One fine day you decide to talk less and less about the things you care most about, and when you have to say something, it costs you an effort. In modern word-formation sometimes ad- and ab- are regarded as opposites, but this was not in classical Latin.7. The process went further in England than in France, where the vernacular sometimes resisted the pedantic, resulting in English adjourn, advance, address, advertisement (Modern French ajourner, avancer, adresser, avertissement). Over-correction at the end of the Middle Ages in French and then English "restored" the -d- or a doubled consonant to some words that never had it ( accursed, afford). The abridgement can be true to the original work in terms of mood and tone, capturing the parts the abridging author perceives to be most important it could be a complete parody of the. In many cases pronunciation followed the shift. An abridgement (or abridgment) is a condensing or reduction of a book or other creative work into a shorter form while maintaining the unity of the source. This might be the reason why you never want to submit to the will of others. abridged: 1 adj (used of texts) shortened by condensing or rewriting an abridged version Synonyms: cut, shortened with parts removed half-length abridged to half its original length potted (British informal) summarized or abridged short primarily temporal sense indicating or being or seeming to be limited in duration Antonyms: unabridged. Someone who wants to explore new horizons and have the freedom to make their own decisions. in words it had picked up from Old French. People with this name are blessed with many leadership abilities. In Old French, reduced to a- in all cases (an evolution already underway in Merovingian Latin), but written forms in French were refashioned after Latin in 14c. It is an averment of a conclusion of law which is permitted to abridge the facts on which it is founded.: But since the parting must be, t is well to abridge the pain of long farewell.: If an attempt be made to abridge that power, they preach arms and rebellion. Simplified to a- before sc-, sp- and st- modified to ac- before many consonants and then re-spelled af-, ag-, al-, etc., in conformity with the following consonant (as in affection, aggression).

abridge meaning

Word-forming element expressing direction toward or in addition to, from Latin ad "to, toward" in space or time "with regard to, in relation to," as a prefix, sometimes merely emphatic, from PIE root *ad- "to, near, at." Looking for the meaning of abridge in Hindi Our Pasttenses English Hindi translation dictionary contains a list of total 10 Hindi words that can be used for abridge in Hindi.

Abridge meaning